Work permit


An employer has found the rare gem, the candidate who corresponds in every way to the profile he/she is looking for for the job. The procedure to hire him or her can be long and tedious depending on his/her nationality or state of residence. The employee must have a work permit.

European Union or third countries

Switzerland has signed international agreements with the European Union. The application procedure for a work permit is greatly facilitated. This is not the case for third country nationals who must apply for a work permit in due form.


Many students come to Switzerland for an internship to learn a language or to acquire specific knowledge. As long as they are hired by a company and paid, it is a lucrative activity. Are interns subject to the same rules as ordinary employees in terms of work permits?

Refusal of the authorities

It happens that an employer hires a foreign employee but that the authorities finally refuse to grant him a work permit. The employer will have to manage this delicate situation. Does the employer have to respect the employee's notice period or can he immediately terminate the employment relationship?

Undeclared work

Undeclared work exists when an employee is hired without being declared or without requesting a work permit. These cases are quite frequent, especially for domestic workers, nannies or gardeners.

Both the employer and the employee risk to be denounced and to suffer penal, fiscal and social insurance sanctions. The financial consequences are heavy. 

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