22 Nov, 2022 by Marianne Favre Moreillon

Workplace theft: what to do?

22 Nov, 2022 by Marianne Favre Moreillon
What are the risks for employees caught in the act of theft? What measures can employers put in place to eradicate theft in the workplace?

There is a growing phenomenon in the workplace: some unscrupulous employees steal toilet paper rolls, coffee capsules or printer cartridges.... As an employer, how do you react to these thefts?

This article develops the following topics:

  • conditions for the validity of termination with immediate effect
  • time limit for the employer to act
  • practical cases
  • lawfulness of a surveillance mechanism against theft
  • data protection and video surveillance
  • guide of the Federal Data Protection Commissioner
  • video surveillance and sensitive areas
  • lawfulness of searches of employees
  • measures that can be taken against theft in the workplace 

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