1 Feb, 2024 by Marianne Favre Moreillon

Cigarette breaks and additional break time

1 Feb, 2024 by Marianne Favre Moreillon

When employees take extra cigarette breaks, the risk of conflict with non-smokers is never far away, not to mention the cost to the company.

The minimum length of the break depends on the length of the working day. It is recommended that smoking at work be limited to the official break time. When smokers take extra cigarette breaks, the question of equal treatment with non-smokers arises. This can lead to conflicts between smoking and non-smoking colleagues. In the event of conflicts in the workplace, the employer is obliged to take action.

This article develops the following topics:

  • break times
  • daily breaks
  • smoking at work
  • cigarette breaks
  • equal treatment
  • conflicts at work

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