1 Oct, 2019 by Marianne Favre Moreillon

Death of a relative

1 Oct, 2019 by Marianne Favre Moreillon

If a loved one dies, the employee is entitled to days off. Duration, remuneration, overview of these somewhat special leaves.

Article 329 paragraph 3 of the Code of Obligations provides that the employer must grant the employee the customary days off. This provision does not define the events that give rise to these leaves, the number of days to which the employee is entitled or whether he is entitled to his or her remuneration during this period.

This article elaborates on the following topics:

  • events giving rise to a customary leave
  • duration of the customary leave
  • recommendations of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
  • the specific situation of the death of relatives
  • collective employment contract and agreement of the parties
  • right to salary

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